Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Very Smooth Constant Power Supply

Normally voltage of the main electricity bord is not at constant value. This will affect to our some electric appliances.Constant supply of voltage is very essential for some electronic circuits. so we can use a voltage regulator to over come this effect. "78" series voltage regulators are most suitable for this. As there are lot of different voltage regulators in this series you can make power supplies according to your choice.

You can select the regulator using the picture shown below.
Some other ways that a transformer can be connected to this Circuit


Touch Circuit

This is a simple touch switch made with NE555. This can be use for different activities in day to day life. If you touch metal plate once the relay will activate and last for 90 seconds. You can change the time by changing the value of capacitor and resistor.

LED Flasher 2

Normally one LED bulb will take about 12mA and 2.5V.But in this circuit it will need only 1.5v and 1.5mA to flash 4 LED Bulbs.LM 3909 double up the voltage and store it in the Capacitor. Then the Capacitor discharge the stored voltage through the LED Bulbs with in a short period of time. This is how this Circuit is working. In this circuit 4 LED Bulbs will flash every 1.5 seconds.

LED Flasher

This circuit needs only 1.5V Battery. Bulb will flash every one second. This circuit work under a small current of 0.6 mA. So this is very efficient flasher circuit that I have ever found.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Electronic Lock

This is a Digital Electronic Combination Lock that consist of 10 digits as the pass word. You have to press those 10 keys according to the given order to switch on the relay. Re set time between two keys is about 3 seconds. So you have to press those keys correctly with soon. Otherwise circuit will automatically reset and start from beginning. If you want reset manually you can press s1 switch.

Electric Shock Circuit

This is Electric Shock Circuit and this can be use as to make a Electric Fence.Circuit is a simple inverter circuit and it will convert DC 6V in to AC 230V. So you have to be very careful when you are testing the circuit. Never touch the circuit after connecting it to the battery.

- Ion Generator

This is a - ion generator circuit. these - ions will help you to keep your mind calm and healthy. and also this this circuit can be use as a trap for small insects. small insects cannot bare the small static current comes from the metal plate and thoose insects will die due to this small harmless electric shock. But keep in your mind you have to enclose the circuit in a plastic box, because this circuit is mainly deal with main Electricity. you can construct the circuit in a small plastic box and the metal plate can be take out using a circuit wire.